Had A wonderful CHAMPS VBS 2007.
it was Awesome! wooo-hoo. d kids.
o-mi-gosh. cute and nottie. well, but. jz cute. hahaha.
fun to play wif them. dammit. they're jz damn cute.
at 1st day, went up to Kindy well, all small kids. age 4-6. hehhe. damn cute la.
uhahaha. got this kid very nottie wan.
well, many of them nottie la.
but got diz one kid which i kinda strict to him la. abit laa. den talk talk talk. cute la dat fella.
den 2nd day. i didnt go up to KINDY again. den after everything finished. when d children all dah balik.
diz kid came up to me and said...
lil boi : "Teacher, how come i didnt see u today?"
me : den i was like... *awww. sweet
lil boi* and said, "i was taking care of somewhere else."
lil boi : why didnt come upstairs? why must take care somewhere else?
me : in charge of somewhere else ma.
lil boi : tmr u come upstairs?
me : okay. i will try kay? *sayang his head*
hahahaha!! damn cute la!!!! xD
after everything. all was really fun. wif kids all around.
performing. dancing. singing. damn cuteeee!! xD
1st i say wanna take her pic. she ok. den when i count 1..2..3.. she close her eyes like dat. hahhaa!
damn cuteeeeEEE!!!!!!!
cute kids. <3 them.
kids. cuties.
d band.
li huay!!! cheerleader. dancer. teacher. summore wat? lolz.