Our 1st presentation for HumanCommunication Class. After 4 or 5 times of discussion, things was ezpz lemon squeezy. BUT! Till presentation day.. It was pretty nervous-ish and scary. xD
Suprisingly, things turned out well. Class of M1 ROCKS. They're just good. Lawl.
Whatever about presentation. Whatever about the subject. Its all about pictures! :)
Aaron :: SuAnn
During Malaysian Studies. The subject that never made ease to study.
Before presentation! Dillion :: Faeez :: Faisal
Check me out drinking 'cock'
OMG. Ignore that 'hmphh' ass face. xD
F.R.I.E.N.D.S aka BackBenchers.
Mindy :: Dillion
Mindy :: Me
Jeswena :: SuAnn
SuAnn :: Me
Jeswena :: Mindy
Then we had lunch in McD! :)
Me and Faisal had some 'happy' talk. We had something ON. =] Arrrrrrrrrr.
Then! There was some 'Get-Free-MAS-Tickets-By-Dancing' Jillian participated. Booooooooooo~ LOSE. Hahhahahha xD
There was this guy and girl. Dancing as if it was MOS-On-The-Street. IT WAS BEYOND LAMEEEEEEEEEEEE.
But whatever makes them happy.
Woooooooooooot. College tmr. Dillion is beside me now. Lol. Staying over caz of futsal just now. Bahhhhhhhhh. Tired. Not gonna type anymore!
Its been a while since Ive got to snapping pictures! OMG!
I farking need my camera. :(
Its off for repair. Goshhh. Its been TOOOO LONGGGG. I NEED YOU CAMERA!
Anyways.. Started college already. Been meeting nice ass friends. Not saying their asses are nice. But they are. :) What else to tell? Hmmmm..
Doing MassComm now. May intake. INTI COLLEGE. It seems to be a not-too-bad college. BETTER THAN TBS. Fcuk TBS. Its been 3 weeks now. Had my 1st presentation today. Phewwww. Damn fast got presentation dy. Ahhhhhhhh. But not bad la.
So, You Think You Can Rawrrrrr? :)
Here are some random pictures from my nub handphone. Enjoy if u can.
My new FaceBook profile picture. Rawrrrrr :)
Says the belt. :)
Me and SuAnn in Malaysian Studies class. Had new teacher that time which was STILL suckish.
Nice one bobby? Lol.
BOBBY! Ahhhh. Bobby is a funny ass guy. xD
He sings. He jokes. He's funny.
I see superwoman, catwalk-er and kiru!
One fine sexii day.. (pssst! my day) We went to SnowFlake. Some desert shop near to IchiBan. Niceeeeee. :) This was quite sometime ago. Ohh well.
Intro! This is DORAEMON.
She seems hungry. Or...
Yeah. Thats Mindy.
Random snap by Jeremy.
ChuaQiYang My PartTime Husband. i less than three him.
And this was yesterday. Yes. Yesterday. As in 20 May 2009.
I went and collect my transcript from Taylors Robbers. After i was done, i saw her reading newspaper like some aunty.
So, she's now.. AHHH-SOHHHH!
As usual.
Thanks to Adrian Samuel i got some cut on my lips. Been suffering for 5days now! jibai. so, i use that pearl to avoid the pain. I looked NERDish.
Mr ILikeToCopyWhatYouSay :)
As AhPek as usual.
Jeremy :: Me
Mindy :: Me
Me :: Jeswena
Wheeeeeeeeeee. Cant wait to get my camera back. =/ Will will will get it back ASAP.
How can i relate to this movie? Goshhh. Not me not me. I have this friend that i totally have no doubt in him on being like Connor Mead. I raise my hand for him. *salute* :)
Guess I shall not publish his name here. 'J' would be much better to call him. J for JaiHo. LOL. (Hallelujah or Victory to Thee) xD
Alright! J is some smooth dude that gets chicks just like that. Yes. I literally meant JUST LIKE THAT. Pretty cool eh? =3 Its amazing that almost everytime we catch up and have a drink or so.. THERES ALWAYS SOME NEW GOSSIP!
Getting girls anywhere and almost anyone he targets is just pro. Its the way he do it and the way he talks. :) Great friend yet great personality!
Its his charm that he can do like that. But.. not been hearing any new gossips lately tho. Not seeing him with someone new either. Maybe I just dont know. or he has changed?
People changed? Why? Realise? Experience? Ghost? o.O