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31 May 2009

Happy Birthday Faisal

*sorry for the slowwww update*

Due to the no-own-cameraness, i dont have much pictures.

Anyways, Faisal just turned to be an OLD MAN :)

We kinda suprised him. KINDA.
Due to stupid little messy craps that happened.
Funny and Stupid stuffs.
But whatever.


Mr. IAmOldNow :)

Happy ArRrring 20th Faisal`!
People like Mindy should pay me for being pirated.

Jeswena :: Praveent
Catherine :: Mindy :: OLDMAN

Mindy :: Dillion :: Me
SuAnn :: Jeswena :: OLDMAN :)

Mindy :: OLDMAN

Hopefully it was ser-wiiiit enuff.
Hoped u enjoyed your day and had a blast!


a a r o n

26 May 2009


Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Our 1st presentation for HumanCommunication Class.
After 4 or 5 times of discussion, things was ezpz lemon squeezy.
BUT! Till presentation day..
It was pretty nervous-ish and scary. xD

Suprisingly, things turned out well.
Class of M1 ROCKS. They're just good. Lawl.

Whatever about presentation.
Whatever about the subject.
Its all about pictures! :)

Aaron :: SuAnn
During Malaysian Studies. The subject that never made ease to study.

Before presentation!
Dillion :: Faeez :: Faisal

Check me out drinking 'cock'

OMG. Ignore that 'hmphh' ass face. xD

F.R.I.E.N.D.S aka BackBenchers.

Mindy :: Dillion

Mindy :: Me

Jeswena :: SuAnn

SuAnn :: Me

Jeswena :: Mindy

Then we had lunch in McD! :)

Me and Faisal had some 'happy' talk.
We had something ON. =]

Then! There was some 'Get-Free-MAS-Tickets-By-Dancing'
Jillian participated. Booooooooooo~ LOSE. Hahhahahha xD

There was this guy and girl.
Dancing as if it was MOS-On-The-Street.

But whatever makes them happy.

College tmr. Dillion is beside me now. Lol.
Staying over caz of futsal just now. Bahhhhhhhhh.
Tired. Not gonna type anymore!

Goodnight Dear GrownUp Sperms.

a a r o n

21 May 2009

Random My College Condom

Its been a while since Ive got to snapping pictures! OMG!
I farking need my camera. :(

Its off for repair. Goshhh. Its been TOOOO LONGGGG.


Anyways.. Started college already.
Been meeting nice ass friends. Not saying their asses are nice.
But they are. :) What else to tell? Hmmmm..

Doing MassComm now. May intake. INTI COLLEGE.
It seems to be a not-too-bad college. BETTER THAN TBS. Fcuk TBS.
Its been 3 weeks now. Had my 1st presentation today. Phewwww.
Damn fast got presentation dy. Ahhhhhhhh. But not bad la.

So, You Think You Can Rawrrrrr? :)

Here are some random pictures from my nub handphone.
Enjoy if u can.

My new FaceBook profile picture. Rawrrrrr :)

Says the belt. :)

Me and SuAnn in Malaysian Studies class.
Had new teacher that time which was STILL suckish.

Nice one bobby? Lol.

BOBBY! Ahhhh. Bobby is a funny ass guy. xD

He sings. He jokes. He's funny.

I see superwoman, catwalk-er and kiru!

One fine sexii day.. (pssst! my day) We went to SnowFlake.
Some desert shop near to IchiBan. Niceeeeee. :)
This was quite sometime ago. Ohh well.

Intro! This is DORAEMON.

She seems hungry. Or...

Yeah. Thats Mindy.

Random snap by Jeremy.



My PartTime Husband. i less than three him.



And this was yesterday.
Yes. Yesterday. As in 20 May 2009.

Lol. =]

I went and collect my transcript from Taylors Robbers.
After i was done, i saw her reading newspaper like some aunty.

So, she's now.. AHHH-SOHHHH!

As usual.

Thanks to Adrian Samuel i got some cut on my lips.
Been suffering for 5days now! jibai.
so, i use that pearl to avoid the pain. I looked NERDish.

Mr ILikeToCopyWhatYouSay :)

As AhPek as usual.

Jeremy :: Me

Mindy :: Me

Me :: Jeswena

Wheeeeeeeeeee. Cant wait to get my camera back. =/
Will will will get it back ASAP.

a a r o n

15 May 2009

So it begins. TAGs.

*This is my 222nd post*

1. Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed ?

Thats for someone who is making out with me to find out. LOL?

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
Sleepy and Cold.

3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with ?
Jeremy. At Market eating lunch. Lawl.

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
I dont even have a chance to spoil myself. How about that?

5. Will you ever donate blood ?
When Im DEAD. Why not? :)

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?
Fcuk Yeah. Why not?

7. Do you want someone to be dead ?
Errr. Can it be like.. SOMETWO?
Get back to me if its possible. :)

8. What does your last text message say ?
Hahah. Walking alone? Wtf. Boo. [Mindy]

9. What are you thinking right now ?
What to answer this question. =/

1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
YES. That would be great.

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
Quite early. 11pm.

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
Didnt buy. Was given. [Squash MSSM]

13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
Hmmm. Yes. :(

14. Who was the last person who text you ?
Mindy Lim

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz...

1. Jeremy
2. JoanDee
3. Evvon
4. WeiHua
5. JuYee
6. Sanam
7. SueHsien
8. Yvonne Soh
9. RachelChiang
10. AaronLee

15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
GOD KNOWS. But i think Devon. :)

16. Is no.3 a male or a female ?
I think SHE's a MALE.

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?

18. What is no.1 studying about ?
Cheerleading in Business World *New Course*

19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?

1. Jeremy = Hours ago. Mamak.
2. JoanDee = Months ago. MSN.
3. Evvon = Weeks ago. MSN.
4. WeiHua = Minutes ago in cbox.
5. JuYee = Yesterday. MSN.
6. Sanam = Yesterday. Starbucks.
7. SueHsien = Hours ago. MSN.
8. Yvonne Soh = MONTHS! :(
9. Mindy = Minutes ago. SMS.
10. AaronLee = Am talking to him now.

20.Is no.4 single ?
Nahhh. HE's attached with a dude.

21. Say something about no.2 .

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together ?
That would be some awesome piece of LES. :)

23. Describe no.9 .
She's funny. She's cute and has FavLINES.
She can imitate voices. LOL.

24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
I would RUN to buy popcorn and a drink then sit down and watch.

25. Do you like 8 ?
I LOVE HER. She knows in what way. :)


a a r o n

05 May 2009

I Can Relate to Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

Ahhhh. Another awesome movie by NuffNang! :)

How can i relate to this movie? Goshhh.
Not me not me. I have this friend that i totally have
no doubt in him on being like Connor Mead.
I raise my hand for him. *salute* :)

Guess I shall not publish his name here.
'J' would be much better to call him.
J for JaiHo. LOL. (Hallelujah or Victory to Thee) xD

Alright! J is some smooth dude that gets chicks just like that.
Yes. I literally meant JUST LIKE THAT. Pretty cool eh? =3
Its amazing that almost everytime we catch up
and have a drink or so.. THERES ALWAYS SOME NEW GOSSIP!

Getting girls anywhere and almost anyone he targets
is just pro. Its the way he do it and the way he talks. :)
Great friend yet great personality!

Its his charm that he can do like that. But.. not been hearing any new gossips lately tho.
Not seeing him with someone new either. Maybe I just dont know.
or he has changed?

People changed? Why?
Ghost? o.O

You tell me. xD


So! There u go!
Im as innocent as can be. :)

Check out the trailer above!

a a r o n

03 May 2009

Happy Birthday EvelynnLim

Something i made for you as a wish. Thru picture! :)

And yeah. This is Evelynn Lim F*** Face.

Thats the angle you always talk about. Lol.

And as usual. Acting Cute like ALL the time!

That night was a farking camwhore spree. xD
*censor skit*

No more Rose and Cake for you this year yah. :)
I wished on time like just now? and you were farking drunk.


Dee :: Me :: Eve
Lectures are just like camwhore session for us. LOL.

When you were farking LALA back then. =]
Check out that GOLD/BROWN HAIR. Wtf.

And also! Lectures are like sleeping session for you.

When u mixed with me more often, you changed. :)
More stylo eh? Stylo my milo, FF.

And you do stupid faces. I meant you do your face.

Blahhhh. Camwhores.

Farker. No more dinners for you this year.

You owe me a dinner. Forget my birthday. Babi.

When do i get my next, come-all-the-way-from-USJ9 ICE CREAM? :)

When you were lame as always.. and i was cool. :)
One of the nice snaps.

Happy Birthday again YOU....
act cute.

a a r o n