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05 May 2009

I Can Relate to Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

Ahhhh. Another awesome movie by NuffNang! :)

How can i relate to this movie? Goshhh.
Not me not me. I have this friend that i totally have
no doubt in him on being like Connor Mead.
I raise my hand for him. *salute* :)

Guess I shall not publish his name here.
'J' would be much better to call him.
J for JaiHo. LOL. (Hallelujah or Victory to Thee) xD

Alright! J is some smooth dude that gets chicks just like that.
Yes. I literally meant JUST LIKE THAT. Pretty cool eh? =3
Its amazing that almost everytime we catch up
and have a drink or so.. THERES ALWAYS SOME NEW GOSSIP!

Getting girls anywhere and almost anyone he targets
is just pro. Its the way he do it and the way he talks. :)
Great friend yet great personality!

Its his charm that he can do like that. But.. not been hearing any new gossips lately tho.
Not seeing him with someone new either. Maybe I just dont know.
or he has changed?

People changed? Why?
Ghost? o.O

You tell me. xD


So! There u go!
Im as innocent as can be. :)

Check out the trailer above!

a a r o n

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....