Evelynn. A 'dude'. a FF. act cute giler babi.
ahahha. Thats jz the summary.
Anyways! The point of this post is that...
I was kinda emo one night.. bla bla bla..
Eve came all the way from her house and bought me ice cream. Lol.
How nice is that? =)
She didnt know what i liked.. So, she bought me McFlurry and Sundae.
Giler... Lagi nice. Hahahhaa. xD
She came about 2am or 2something.. I went out..
Lepak in he car.. Saw her wearing her act cute yellow slippers. LOL! xD
Eat ice cream. See her lame face. -.-''
Continue eating and started camwhoring.
Thats wat we were born to do. Lol.
Maybe not we. ME> =) and am PROUD OF IT.
So we lepak lepak in the car till about 4am.. And i went home and she left too.
When in my house, Ben was in my room. He was sleeping.
And i went like "Oi Ben! Wake up! Got ice cream wei`!! Evelynn buy! "
Ben said: " Now wat time? U crazy ah? " LOL!!! xD
Well, obviously i was happy and really touched by what eve did.
Maybe to u people its nth. To me its jz really nice. =)
Thankz Eve.
Thats her. The yellow slipper act cute girl. =)
Ugly. I know. I was sleeping la bloody hell.
Well, kinda sleeping. Lol.
She hates it when i stare at her. ^^
Malu malu..
Hahaha. She laughed when i stare at her.
The sayangness berkembang dan saya sangat ter'touched'
U get wat i mean dont u. =)
a a r o n
ahahha. Thats jz the summary.
Anyways! The point of this post is that...
I was kinda emo one night.. bla bla bla..
Eve came all the way from her house and bought me ice cream. Lol.
How nice is that? =)
She didnt know what i liked.. So, she bought me McFlurry and Sundae.
Giler... Lagi nice. Hahahhaa. xD
She came about 2am or 2something.. I went out..
Lepak in he car.. Saw her wearing her act cute yellow slippers. LOL! xD
Eat ice cream. See her lame face. -.-''
Continue eating and started camwhoring.
Thats wat we were born to do. Lol.
Maybe not we. ME> =) and am PROUD OF IT.
So we lepak lepak in the car till about 4am.. And i went home and she left too.
When in my house, Ben was in my room. He was sleeping.
And i went like "Oi Ben! Wake up! Got ice cream wei`!! Evelynn buy! "
Ben said: " Now wat time? U crazy ah? " LOL!!! xD
Well, obviously i was happy and really touched by what eve did.
Maybe to u people its nth. To me its jz really nice. =)
Thankz Eve.
Well, kinda sleeping. Lol.
The sayangness berkembang dan saya sangat ter'touched'
U get wat i mean dont u. =)
a a r o n
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