Monday-7th July 2008
We had this promotion card where we get ourselves a 1-month free gym access. Where? In California Fitness. My uncle's is the Ambassafor. Who? Jackie Chan. I was kinda keeping low profile. That is why my name is Aaron Lee. It was Aaron Chan.
So! Getting back to where we were... GYM. Okay.. We left like 12pm? or maybe about 1pm? and head to Sunway Pyramid. Meet up with KahWeng and Darius in TBS 'thinking spot' 1st. Lol. Somehow, i saw my donkey and my princess in the Darius punya car. xD Maybe they too lifeless and need some life thats why they followed us. Hmmm.. Maybe. I got a point there.
Then, we reached Sunway Pyramid. Talk talk talk.. and went for some analysis thingy. Body analysis. This guy named "Faizal" a.k.a AhCai, was very very nice, friendly and totally a fun guy to chill with. xD He showed us around the gym. What kinda equipments to use to build certain parts of our body. He showed us the "Ladies Private Area". Hahhha! It was funny! Not toilet la, if ur thinking about that. NOOB! I dont get excited looking at Ladies Washroom. Jeremy might. But too bad.. Jeremy weren't with us. Busy playing pom poms.
Then, we went to the Body Analysis part. This gurl named Hui if im not mistaken. SHE TECHNICALLY LOVED US!! xD Why i say that? Caz its the truth! LOL`!!! Well, just because she acted kinda weird.. Like in a good way weird. Not fcuked up weird. You know? Why i say that caz... She was looking at us with this "waa. so nice-friendly-funny guys" look and kept smiling herself. Then, when we were doing the Heart Beats per second thingy.. She said this "I like u all la. So easy to talk. So easy to get along. Very nice la. Hehhehe. " ALL OF US "LOL?! O.o" hahahhaa! Seriously man. The tone and the way she said it was kinda unexpected and really funny! But nvm. When someone love u, let them. LOL.
So bla bla bla.. After all those unnecessary stuff was done...............
We sat down at some 'talking area' where this guy named AhPekBanyakBising named by myself xD was explaining about the Membership thingy. Had this GoldPackage and SilverPackage. He kept insisting us on joining as Member and pay roughly about RM199 per month. We explained that we aer just students and we literally wont be able to join as Members. Even is we could, we would have to talk to our parents and so on. This AhPekBanyakBising insisted like some AhPek. Oh wait? He mmg AhPek. LOL.
Anyways, he kept insisting and even made this stupid thing like... To me is like a 'OMG! Please join im desperate' attitude. He even made our a statement on uspaying deposit 1st so another day we can pay up the balance for the Membership. This is because we are 1st time visitors. So we get some so called Discount Price. Yeah, so much for discount price. -.-'' We were like "OI AhPek! We dont wanna join la! No money! We're just students! We can talk to our parents but since we cant come back for 2nd time then no point!" Didnt really say that but that was what we felt inside. xD
After everything, the AhPekBanyakBising left and Faizal was still there. We said we just came caz we had this 1month Promotion thingy but that AhPekBanyakBising didnt get it. So whatever. We cannot start on 7th July 2008 because.. about that 1month thingy, we have to call them up like a week early then only can start. But since AhCai was there. =) All things is possible! xD He told us to come tmr and we can access the GYM. So wat to do? We left. Makan in KimGary. Jeremy came. After that, Went shop for a while. Left Sunway! =D
Then!! We went to USJ 6 to play Basketball. Mikhel didnt join as he had to go home. So, only Jeremy, Darius, KahWeng and Me played basketball. Mirra and LiMin cheered for me with grass! xD Lame huh? Yeah. Look ath their face u know dy lor. Lol. We played among ourselves and also with 3 random guys. 3 on 3. Kw didnt wanna play so, only darius , jeremy and me played. We won laaa DUHH* Aaron wei. =) Lol. Seriously we won lor. xD
So, day ended with some yumcha session after that and...
Let the pictures talk from now onwards. ^^
Pictures by Sony Ericsson.
Tiu! Of caz laa. Wear futsal shoe is one thing. Floor full of sand.
Argh.. Babi.
tsktsktsk. not good.. not good..
Just kidding.
Her RM100 is with me. LOL.
Tuesday- 8th July 2008
Thats my uncle!! The middle one. DUH*^^
Mikhel = Botak!
Darius = Small Bus3rd`!
KahWeng = Gone case!
Me = Awww. Handsome.
He couldnt live a day without see-ing me.
Awww.. So sweet..
Body aching! Tmr going again`! Wheeee~
Its 3AM btw. See. Im just too nice.. =)
a a r o n
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